Deleting TimeClock Employees to Free Licenses

Spectrum TimeClock is licensed by the number of active employees in the system. As employees leave your company, it may become necessary to delete them, thus freeing up their license space to be used by a new employee. However, it's not really necessary to do that with Spectrum TimeClock.

Rather than delete an employee, you can de-activate them. That way their records stay in the time clock database for later retrieval if needed. Deactivated employee and their records are largely hidden, except that their records continue to be seen within old payroll batches.

To deactivate an employee, you must do the following.

  1. Login as an administrator.
  2. Click on the "Admin" menu.
  3. Click on the "Employees" Menu.
  4. Click "Edit" next to the employee you want to de-activate.
  5. Uncheck the "Active" checkbox in the right column of the form.

Read about reactivating inactive employees.

To actually completely delete an employee from Spectrum TimeClock, you would have to archive all of that employee's time clock punches, and delete all payroll batches they appear in. At that point, the system will let you completely delete the employee from the time clock system.

Spectrum TimeClock Spectrum Research
Time Clock Software

Find out more about Spectrum TimeClock.


General Information

Spectrum Research, Inc.
Export to Excel

Accessing Your Clock

Save a Website Shortcut
Save a Smart Phone Shortcut
Time Clock Punching Options
Time Clock Punch Locations


Forgot Password Function
Holiday Pay Setup
Time Clock Rounding

Running Payroll

How to Run Payroll
Run a Payroll Batch
View a Payroll Batch
Run a Quick Payroll Report

Exporting Time Data

Export Time Data from Spectrum

Import Time Data

Import time data into Peachtree
Import time data into QuickBooks

Employee Management

Delete / Deactivate Employees
Add an Employee
Reactivate Employees

Punching IN / OUT

Employee Forgot Punch In
Employee Forgot Punch Out

Additional Modules

BioNetick Module Installation

Other Support.

Request Remote Assistance
TRACERT diagnostic

DOL Regulations

How to Calculate Overtime
Overtime Averaging
Fixed Salary for Fluctuating Hours
Weighted Average Regular Rate
Employee Training Hours & Overtime

All articles are
Copyright © 2004-2013
Spectrum Research, Inc.
and may not be reproduced without permission.