Conversion CalculatorThe Ultra Measure Master is the most complete and easy to use conversion calculator availabe for Engineers, Architects, Construction Pro's, Scientists, and Students.
Over 400 Conversion CombinationsIt has more than 400 conversion calculation combinations that allow you to convert measurements with the touch of a minimal number of buttons. Forget complex scientific calculations and formulas. This conversion calculator does it all to 12 digit internal accuracy. You won't need any other converter!
Linear Measurement ConversionFeet-Inch-Fractions or Yards, Miles, Decimal Feet/Inch Fractions, Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters and Kilometers. Convert kilometers (km) to miles and convert miles to kilometers. Convert centimeter to inches and convert inches to centimeters. Distance calculator conversions.
Metric ConversionMetric converter for meter to foot conversion, centimeter to inch conversion, many more combinations.
Weight ConversionPounds, Dry Ounces, Tons, Metric Tons, Grams and Kilograms
Celcius to Fahrenheit ConversionFahrenheit (°F) and Centigrade (°C) temperature conversions.
Area ConversionFeet-Inch-Fraction, Yards, Acres, Square-Miles, Millimeters, Centimeters and Meters, Hectares, Square-Kilometers.
Volume ConversionCubic Feet, Inch, Yards, Acre-Feet, Board Feet, Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters, Kilometers, Miles, Gallons, Liters, and Fluid Ounces.
Velocity ConversionInches and Feet per Second, Feet per Minute, Miles per Hour, Minute and Hour, Millimeters and Meters per Second /Minute and Kilometers per Hour.
Flow Rate ConversionOunces per Second, Gallons per Minute, Milliliters and Liters per Second.
Pressure ConversionPounds per Square Inch (PSI), Pounds per Square Foot (PSF), kilo-Pascal, mega-Pascal and Bars.
Weight per Volume ConversionTons per Cubic Yard, Pounds per Cubic Yard, and Kilograms per Cubic Meter.
Bending Moment ConversionInch-Pounds, Foot-Pounds and Newton Meters.