Online Code 39 BarCode Generator
Generate Code 39 Bar Codes for Free

To date, we've written a number of applications that needed the ability to
generate barcode images. An early Learning Management System for Trainersoft
used barcoded employee IDs to grant access to the training room. Our VidRent
Video Rental System uses
barcodes for inventory scan-in and scan-out. A Fitness
Management System that we recently wrote for a local county near us needed
the ability to print
barcodes on photo ID cards and key cards. Needless to say,
the ability to generate barcodes is need in the software products we've created.
One approach to create barcodes is to use one of the barcode fonts in the public
domain. These work great if your application will be running from a computer that
has the barcode font installed on it. Not so great though, if you don't have it
loaded everywhere.
Another approach is to use ActiveX controls. Here, you embed html object tags
within your web page. Given the rampant spread of virus and worm attacks, most
computers within companies are locked down and don't accept or run ActiveX
This leaves only a couple of other options. If your barcodes are few in number,
you can scan them and display them as images. If this isn't the case, a server
based barcode generator is the way to go. That's the way we decided to go.
Unfortunately, server based barcode generators can be rather expensive. We've
seen them go for around $1000. By writing our own, we are able to include them
with our products without having to pay any additional fees.
Code 39 Standard and Full Ascii Character Sets
Here we present a simple
Code 39 barcode generator. It handles both the
"Standard" Code 39 character set charcters "0-9", "A-Z", and "-. *$/+%", as well
as the "Full ASCII" character set, minus some control characters you can't use from
a web browser.
Generates GIF Images
It strictly generates Code 39 barcodes in the GIF image format.
We plan future enhancements to support other image types, including scalable WMF images,
as well as support for more complex barcode formats.
Bar Code Images are Free
You can take a look at our barcode generator right now by going to the following link:
You can also purchase the commercial version of our Code 39 Barcode Generator at:
Spectrum Barcode Label Software.
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